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Setting Response Status

JJ makes it easy to set the HTTP status code for your mock response. If you're testing a scenario where a resource is not found, you might want to return a 404 status code.


By explicitly setting the status parameter, you can emulate various server responses, helping you to test edge cases in your application.


To customize the reason phrase, use the reason attribute:

jj.Response(status=404, reason="Custom Reason")

Crafting the Response Body

JJ provides various options for setting the response body, ranging from simple text and JSON to binary data.

JSON Response

To return a JSON response, utilize the json parameter. This will also automatically set the Content-Type header to application/json.

jj.Response(json={"message": "200 OK"})

Text Response

To return plain text, utilize the text parameter.

jj.Response(text="200 OK")

Binary Response

To simulate responses with binary data like images or files, use the body parameter with a bytes object.


Predefined Body

JJ also lets you populate the response body using a file. This is particularly useful for loading predefined mock data.

jj.Response(body=open("responses/users.json", "rb"))

Setting Response Headers

In addition to crafting the response body, JJ also allows you to set custom headers for your mock responses.

jj.Response(body="<p>text<p>", headers={"Content-Type": "text/html"})

In this example, the Content-Type header is explicitly set to text/html, indicating the type of the response content.